Thesis : English Department of FKIP xxxxxx
This research is intended to analyze the effect of using environmental technique in teaching vocabulary to the students of SDN 014673 Prapat Janji, Kec. xxxxx The method of this research applied is descriptive quantitative method. The population of the research is the fourth year students of SDN 014673 Prapat Janji, Kecxxxxxxxxxxxxx Which consist of 42. The number of the population of the research, are 42 persons. In this research, all the number of population that is 42 persons taken all as a sample. This sample will teach by using environmental technique and by not using environmental technique to compare the better technique for the students’ achievement.
The result of this thesis is. Based on the t-table, with Degree of freedom/df 82 (n1+n2 - 2 = 42+42-2=82) at t-critical 0.05, it is obtain 2.00. if we compared the value of to and t1, so it shown that the value of t-observed is Lower than the value of t-table (to=2.30> t1=2.00) it mean that the Ha is rejected and Ho is accepted So, there is a no significant Effect of using Environmental technique in teaching Vocabulary
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