Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Elementary Students’ Problem in Differentiating the Use of Auxiliary Verb Do-Does in the Negative Sentences

“The Elementary Students’ Problem in Differentiating the Use of Auxiliary Verb Do-Does in the Negative Sentences”. 
Thesis, English Department of FKIP xxxxxx

This thesis was carried out to find out the The elementary students’ ability in differentiating the use of auxiliary verb do, does, in the negative sentence. was all fifth level students 2007-2008 of SD 06721. Jln, Sehat. Komplek. Panggon Indah, Rengas Pulau, Medan. Marelan consist of two class that is Va and Vb
The instrument of the research used was objective test. The test was the teacher-made test that is essay test that is ask them to write complete the sentence by filling the correct auxiliary, it was put on a face of paper and then their paper was collected by researcher to analyze to gave the score. The method of the research is descriptive quantitative method and library research 
The findings show were categorized as able 37 students or 71.15 %, meanwhile the students who were categorized as unable were 15 students or 28.85 %. From the data obtained, it may conclude that the students of SD 067261 Jalan Sehat Komplek Panggon Indah, Rxxxxxxxx  especially in the fifth level (V class) during academic year 2007/2008 were able to differentiate the use of auxiliary verb Do – Does in the negative sentences.

(mau isi hubungi benny hardy: 081362065870)